EDCNS New Strategic Direction | Focus On Innovation Hub

North Simcoe, Ontario – The Economic Development Corporation of North Simcoe (EDCNS) is excited to announce a strategic shift in focus towards establishing and promoting the Innovation Hub, a new initiative designed to catalyze sustainable economic growth and innovation across our key sectors: manufacturing, tourism, and agriculture. This significant pivot aims to harness North Simcoe’s unique regional strengths, fostering a dynamic environment where businesses thrive and community benefits are maximized.

Join Our Board of Directors


EDCNS is looking to expand its Board of Directors with individuals who bring entrepreneurial experience, strategic insight, and a commitment to community development. The new board members will play a pivotal role in guiding the Innovation Hub’s strategic direction and ensuring its successful integration into the economic landscape of North Simcoe.

Qualifications for Board Members:

  • Demonstrated leadership experience, preferably with a background in startups or economic development.
  • Strong understanding of and commitment to North Simcoe’s economic
  • Ability to engage effectively with a range of stakeholders and community

The launch of the Innovation Hub marks a new chapter for North Simcoe, one that aligns with our mission to drive innovative economic development and create lasting benefits for our community,” said Paul Marchildon, Board Member of EDCNS. “We are confident that with the right leadership and a strong strategic board, the Innovation Hub will become a cornerstone of North Simcoe’s economic landscape.

If you are interested in a Board Member position, or Volunteer Mentor position, or to apply, please contact us by clicking here.

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EDCNS New Strategic Direction | Focus On Innovation Hub