Doug Griffiths: Leadership in Times of Crisis - Archived

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevant.

This document has been prepared as a source of guidance and support for communities facing an emergency that affords limited time and capacity to prepare and react. This advice has been specifically created for community and municipal leaders, especially those in smaller communities where capacity, expertise, and time may be limiting factors.

This document is not exhaustive, absolute, or perfect. Every emergency is unique and requires a tailored response to address it successfully. This document is meant to provide common approaches in general emergencies — and it contains approaches specifically nuanced to the COVID-19 pandemic emergency.

The advice offered here is based on my experience managing the response to, and recovery from, the floods in Southern Alberta in 2013 which impacted 29 communities, as well as my responsibility for oversight of the Alberta Emergency Management Authority during my time as Minister. I worked with many talented professionals over those years.

I have compiled everything I learned into this short and simplified document for you to use at your discretion.

In all cases, provincial, state, and federal directives and recommendations take precedence. This document is provided as a guide in the absence of clear directives, orders, or recommendations from existing emergency management professionals.

Click here to download the complete article in PDF “Leadership in Time of Crisis”.


Doug Griffiths: Leadership in Times of Crisis - Archived